The governor greeted Invest RS employees during his first official visit to the agency. Photo: Mauricio Tonetto.

The governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, visited the headquarters of Invest RS this Wednesday (11/12). Received by the agency’s president, Rafael Prikladnicki, the governor received an update regarding the first activities of the team, which has been operating in person for a week at the agency’s headquarters, in Porto Alegre. On that occasion, the names of the three members of the executive board were confirmed.

When greeting the governor, the president of Invest RS took stock of the initial actions and projected the completion of the agency’s strategic planning for the end of the first half of January, in line with the priorities and guidelines of the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan , launched by the State government. “The governor’s presence conveys the message of how much the government is investing in a development agenda and how much it is investing in the agenda of creating an agency like ours,” said Prikladnicki.

The Secretary of Economic Development, Ernani Polo, and the Chief Secretary of the Civil House, Artur Lemos, accompanied the visit of the head of the Rio Grande do Sul Executive. Lemos highlighted the political environment that led to the creation of a technical agency focused on attracting investments and commercial promotion. Polo highlighted the reinforcement that Invest RS will provide. “We have an excellent opportunity on our hands. The agency will drive the development of Rio Grande do Sul”, he stated.

In his greeting to his employees, the governor gave a brief account of the context that led to the creation of the agency, remembering that at the beginning of his administration the focus of his work was on resolving the problems of the past, then he began to focus on meeting the demands of the present, with the improvement in the provision of public services, and now it has entered the phase of also worrying about the future.

“It is also the role of the State to point to the future, to lead with the correct levers, so that we have a direction, a guideline. The Development Plan guides us where we want to go, in light of the economic and geopolitical context and in accordance with competitive opportunities and advantages. With the plan came the agency, which will be fundamental in this process”, explained the governor.

Board announced
At the end of the visit, the names of the members of the Invest RS executive board were confirmed. The Strategy and Intelligence Directorate will be held by Caroline Bücker. Carol has 25 years of experience working on developing strategies for small to large companies with a focus on innovation and expansion processes, such as XP Investimentos, Renault, Petrobahia, Fruki, Panvel, Unimed and Sicredi. Professor of MBA in Innovation at PUCRS, participated in projects in entities such as Sebrae and Senac.

The Director of Investment Attraction and Commercial Promotion will be held by Fabrício Forest. Business administrator with an MBA in International Business Management, he was CEO of a multinational company in Porto Alegre and is the former CEO of Ideal Foods, a company specializing in the export of proteins of animal origin. He worked in business entities in Rio Grande do Sul, such as ADVB-RS, where for six years he was president of the RS Exportation Award Council, made up of 17 entities relevant to Rio Grande do Sul’s foreign trade, and Federasul.

Rodrigo Ribeiro will be the Director of Corporate Management. Lawyer, PhD and Master in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), is a specialist in Financial and Budgetary Management from Fundação João Pinheiro. He was part of the executive group that led the formulation of the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan of Rio Grande do Sul, working on the structuring of Invest RS, of which he was the first president, with the responsibility of leading the administrative creation of the agency.

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