O governador Eduardo Leite e parte da comitiva que integra a missão oficial pela Ásia visitaram a sede da Great Wall Motors (GWM), em Baoding, na China. A GWM é uma das principais fabricantes globais de veículos elétricos e híbridos e tem expandido sua presença internacional. No encontro, Leite reforçou o interesse do Rio Grande do Sul em atrair parcerias estratégicas para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias limpas. Crédito: Mauricio Tonetto / Palácio Piratini

During the trip, which will take place between November 18 and 27, there are scheduled meetings with companies such as Toyota, Mitsubishi and BYD

Created with the aim of starting a new stage in the development of Rio Grande do Sul, Invest RS, the Rio Grande do Sul Development Agency, is inaugurating its trade promotion and investment attraction activities by participating in the Rio Grande do Sul government’s mission to Japan and China, between November 18 and 27, 2024. The president of Invest RS, Rafael Prikladinicki, will be one of the members of the official delegation.

With a focus on innovation and sustainability, the itinerary, led by Governor Eduardo Leite, includes meetings with companies such as Toyota, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Shizen Energy, in Japan, and with representatives from BYD and Huawei, in China, where the Supply Chain Expo (CISCE), a supply chain and logistics fair that Rio Grande do Sul will be participating in, will also be held with its own stand.

According to Prikladinicki, this will be the first opportunity to showcase the agency, whose structure and operating methods are aligned with the best and most innovative in attracting investment. “States like Rio Grande do Sul need to always be in the spotlight, present themselves and promote their unique features, wherever the opportunities may be,” says the agency’s president.

The Secretary of Economic Development, Ernani Polo, highlights the role that the agency will play. “Considering it as one of the five enablers of the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan, which focuses on improving the business environment in the state, the start of Invest RS’s operations inaugurates a new phase in our effort to accelerate the development of Rio Grande do Sul. The mission to Asia will be the first of this structure created to enhance competitiveness, boost investment attraction and expand the opening of markets,” says Polo.

Invest RS will work in cooperation with the government, entities and society, as a tool of the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan launched by the state government. The agency aims to position Rio Grande do Sul as a competitive player on the international stage, boosting local companies and improving the business environment.

Learn more about the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan for Rio Grande do Sul. Visit https://planoriogrande.rs.gov.br/desenvolvimento

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