With the aim of sharing information and starting strategic planning, the Invest RS team held a training agenda between December 4th and 6th, at the agency’s headquarters in Porto Alegre. Employees were able to deepen their knowledge of the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan, launched by the State government, discuss the characteristics and history of the creation of the agency and begin preparations for carrying out international missions, among other aspects linked to the operation.

The first day of the training began with a dynamic presentation of employees, gathered in person for the first time at the agency’s headquarters. According to the president of Invest RS, Rafael Prikladnicki, it was a time to highlight commitments and guidelines. “Some words will guide our work, such as courage, creativity and responsibility. We have a challenge to transform the reality of our state, leaving a legacy for the future”, highlighted Prikladnicki.

The first day’s program also included a presentation by Sérgio Canova, representative of McKinsey, a consultancy contracted to formulate the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan and propose the Invest RS operating model, and the Secretary of Economic Development, Ernani Polo . “We ended the year with this great advance, which is the implementation of the development agency, which appears at the same time that we launch the Plan. 2025 will be one of many achievements and attraction of investments”, said Polo.

The second day began with a presentation on international missions. The agency welcomed Leonardo Neves, who is part of the Governor’s Office and participates in the process of organizing missions, such as the recent prospecting trip to Asia. The role of Invest RS will be to enhance these initiatives, with strategy and intelligence, putting them in line with the Economic, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Plan and in collaboration with the Economic Development Secretariat.

On the afternoon of the same day, there were two conversations with people linked to the history of the agency’s creation: one with the deputy secretary of Economic Development, Derly Fialho, and another with Paulo Pereira, executive secretary of the Civil House. Both were involved in the process of creating Invest RS and explained the reasons that led the state government to invest in an agency to boost economic development in Rio Grande do Sul. On the second day’s agenda, the president of Invest RS, Rafael Prikladnicki, also highlighted some practical developments from the recent trip to Asia, highlighting priorities and agendas that arise from contacts made in Japan and China.

On the third day in the morning, the activity included details on the agency models that already exist in Brazil. Valeska Monteiro, member of the Technical Advisory Department of the Governor’s Office, who conducted the initial studies on modes of operation that led to the creation of Invest RS, and Roger Pozzi, deputy general director of the Secretariat of Economic Development, who was also involved with prospecting for alternatives, they talked to the team. In the afternoon, the team participated in a conversation with economist Aod Cunha, who outlined an overview of the economic development of Rio Grande do Sul. Aod presented real competitive perspectives and advantages, in addition to the obstacles that need to be removed.

According to Prikladnicki, the dynamics of these first days were essential to strategically prepare the agency for the challenges facing it. “We have immense potential and we will think big, building alternatives with boldness, ambition and responsibility,” said Prikladnicki.

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